# Apple devices

Apple has integrated haptic feedback into a wide range of devices, providing immersive and responsive user experiences. The capability to playback custom haptics vary between devices:

Fully adjustable on devices starting iPhone 8 and newer
No haptic playback
Apple Watch
Limited to provided presets by Apple
Not customizable

# Taptic Engine

Apple's proprietary Taptic Engine is at the core of its haptic feedback technology. It utilises a wideband actuator capable of outputting a wide range of frequencies and intensity levels.

# AHAP file format

Apple's AHAP (Apple Haptic and Audio Pattern) format is a framework designed to store and define haptic feedback patterns. This format allows developers to create rich, detailed haptic experiences that enhance user interaction with Apple devices. Hapticlabs Studio allows you to create and export .AHAP files, ready for implementation without writing a single line of code. Navigate to Menu - File - Export as AHAP.

# Limitations

The framework limits the available frequency bands to 80-230HZ. When connecting an iOS device to Hapticlabs Studio, these limits are automatically indicated on the frequency sliders for both vibration and pulse blocks.

# Audio capabilities

The AHAP framework offers the possibility to playback audio and haptic synchronised, which is essential for a great user experience. You can add an audio block to any track and reference a .WAV or .MP3 audio file. Large audio files are compressed to reduce transmission time, however the original and uncompressed file is used when exporting a track to the .AHAP format.

To align haptic and audio events, you can make use of a multi-track inside Hapticlabs Studio. Create two separate tracks, one containing the designer audio file and a second containing the haptic events. Combine both in a multitrack.

# Playback

To experience and evaluate haptics on any iOS device, download and install the Hapticlabs player App from the Appstore. It allows live playback of tracks you created in Hapticlabs Studio and also features a selection of presets. Please apply to get Beta access

# Connect

Select the desired device through the dropdown. Make sure the device is switched on, Bluetooth is enabled and the Hapticlabs Player app is running.